FFSC White Pumpkin Remembrance Day

FFSC White Pumpkin Remembrance Day

White Pumpkin Remembrance Day is a special day to honor and remember the babies who were lost due to miscarriage, stillbirth, or infant death.

Month of October
Bangor NEX | 2600 Ohio St. 
FFSC Bangor | 2901 Barbel St. 
FFSC Bremerton | Bldg. 491, 120 S. Dewey St. 

Participating is as easy as 1...2...3! 

  1.  Select a white pumpkin of choice (mini, large, or paper) 
  2. Write a name, affirmation, or words of support on the pumpkin of choice
  3. Place pumpkin in any remembrance vase of choice

For more information on PLAN: 866-854-0638