Keyport Fitness Center


The Keyport Fitness Center is located at NUWC Keyport, Building 198. The unmanned facility offers the best in cardio and strength fitness equipment, basketball and racquetball courts.

A key fob is required for scanned entry to the fitness center. Key fobs are available at the Bangor and Bremerton Fitness Centers. Partners are required when working out in this facility; therefore, a single individual working out is NOT authorized.

Youth Policy

Youth must be 15 years old to utilize the fitness center unaccompanied. Those 10 to 14 years of age must attend a youth orientation session with a trainer to obtain a youth fitness card. This card allows the under-age user to work out in the fitness center while accompanied (supervised) by an adult. Youth cards are issued at the trainer's discretion.

To schedule an appointment for a youth fitness orientation session, call 360-315-2134 (Bangor) / 360-476-2231 (Bremerton).


Weights and Cardio Equipment