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Food Service Advisory Group (ROAG)

Navy Region Northwest collectively, offers upward of 60 dining options, NBK has approximately 30 dining options, NAS Whidbey Island boasts nearly 20 and NAVSTA Everett has half a dozen. For our sailors, marines, families, civilian employees and contractors, this means a large selection of on-base options when dining on base. For the people involved in the day-to-day management and operation of these facilities, it means ensuring only the best for the vast number of Navy customers served each day.

Realizing the importance of maintaining high standards in all food service facilities, Commander Navy Region Northwest chartered a Food Service Regional Operations Advisory Group (ROAG) in 2007 with the goal of ensuring healthy, affordable, and responsive food service to all personnel in the Northwest Region as they execute the Navy mission.

You, the customer, are the most important component of the ROAG. The Navy Region Northwest Food Service ROAG values the input received from our customers and encourage you to watch for changes implemented as a result of the comments made. As a valued member of our Navy Community, your opinion counts and will effect change.

ROAG Survey & Roadshow

Every other spring the Navy Region Northwest Food Service ROAG conducts a bi-annual food service survey. The survey is an opportunity for customers to voice their thoughts and for the committee to gain a better understanding of the wants and needs of customers in relation to food service on bases around the region. The information gathered is used to identify, prioritize and resolve issues that directly impact customers. The feedback gained through the survey has helped the Food Service ROAG implement many changes throughout the region. This year, we took the show on the road and visited all four installations to touch base with our customers face to face.

Below is the feedback and comments from the ROAG Survey held in November 2019.

ROAG Survey & Roadshow

We have compiled your comments and our operators' responses and they are available below:

The Food Service Regional Operations Advisory Group would like to thank everyone who participated. Your feedback is greatly appreciated and your valuable input will help us in our effort to continually improve our service to you. Thank you for your time!

For issues & concerns regarding MWR Food Service Operations

Please directly contact:

Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, MWR Director: 360-257-5071

Naval Base Kitsap-Bangor & Bremerton, Installation Program Manager: 360-396-2474

Naval Station Everett, MWR Director: 425-304-3531

Navy Getaways Pacific Beach, MWR Director: 425-304-3531

For issues & concerns regarding NEX Food Service Operations

Please directly contact:

Naval Air Station Whidbey Island, Vending and Food Services Manager: 360-257-0521

Naval Base Kitsap, Services and Food Manager: 360-315-4572

Naval Station Everett, Services/COTR: 425-304-4904

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