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Attend live and view on-demand workshops from the comfort and convenience of your home computer!

Navy Region Northwest Fleet & Family Support provides a convenient way for customers to attend support workshops. All you need is a computer and a phone or speakers and a microphone!

For questions, call 866-854-0638 or

Webinars may be subject to cancellation if registration is required and too few participants have registered. If the webinar is cancelled, please call 1-866-854-0638 to schedule an individualized appointment on the topic, if desired.

Disclaimer: Participants joining from an NMCI computer may only have audio capabilities due to IT restrictions.

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Upcoming Webinars


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Join our team! Check out our current Fleet & Family Readiness job openings.

About Us

Learn more about Fleet & Family Readiness Programs and services.

Connect With Us

Question, comment or feedback on our website or programs? Connect here.


Bring your Brand to the Base and support local programs for sailors and their family members.


Moves can be stressful. We’ve gathered some important information for you to ease the transition.


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Facility Directory

Quickly locate a facility’s locations, phone number, or hours of operation.

Register for Classes

Register online for classes, trips, activities, tee times and more using myFFR.

How Are We Doing?

Break the ICE and rate your experience at our facilities.

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